Green Cleaning - What's All the Fuss About?

It seems everywhere I look, I see products and services that promote themselves as eco-friendly in some way. Green products are in pretty much every grocery aisle - from the hormone-free, cage-free sustainably farmed chicken in the meats department right down to recycled toilet paper products (that honestly feel like cleaning up with a pinecone sometimes). One aisle that has become increasingly 'green' is the cleaning aisle.

green cleaning products

Dozens of cleaning products proudly proclaim they are eco-friendly or green certified. At first, it was smaller brands - Mrs. Meyers, Dr. Bronner's, and a few others dominated the green cleaning market. Now, nearly every cleaning brand has a green product available, demonstrating that the eco-friendly movement is more than a passing fad. 

The green cleaning movement is starting to infiltrate the janitorial industry, albeit slowly, as professional cleaners adopt more eco-friendly cleaning practices to keep their customers happy without sacrificing the quality of clean they provide. 

As the eco-friendly trend is unlikely to go away, here are some important facts about green cleaning practices and products to help you decide if its time for your cleaning business to join the green clean movement. 

5 Facts About Green Cleaning

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products Cost Less 

This may seem counterintuitive but hear me out. Although the sticker price of a green cleaning product may be a bit higher than their chemical-laden counterparts, truly green cleaning products are usually concentrated and more potent. This allows you to use less of the cleaning product to achieve the same results you would get with a conventional cleaner. Because you use less product for each cleaning task, one bottle of the right green cleaner will last longer than one bottle of conventional cleaner. 

Research Shows its Better for Your Health

Traditional cleaning products typically contain harsh chemicals and abrasives. Although effective at cleaning, these chemicals may also cause significant irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and skin. For some, these products can trigger headaches. Long term exposure can also have a detrimental effect on the health of employees and janitorial staff. Green cleaning products typically use more natural ingredients that do not cause irritation or headaches when used. 

It's Good for Business

Consumers have access to a plethora of information regarding the harm conventional cleaners may cause to both their health and the environment. As a result, many people seek out businesses that offer eco-friendly products and services. Implementing green cleaning solutions will help you stay ahead of the competition and attract more customers. 

Preferences for Green Cleaning Include Both Commercial and Residential Cleaning Markets

The EPA's emphasis on the safety of cleaning chemicals, particularly in schools and other public areas, is leading the shift toward green cleaning for individual consumers and companies alike. As such, the cleaning industry will likely implement more environmentally-friendly products and practices on a large scale as the movement continues to grow. 

Green Cleaning has a Consistent Standard for Regulating Cleaning Products

This is a big one. Although there is definitely room for improvement, the EPA does have consistent standards for green cleaning products. Safer Choice identifies reliably green cleaning products based on factors like biodegradability and the presence of known carcinogens. 

The Bottom Line

The professional cleaning industry is always advancing, with new products, techniques and technologies coming out at a rapid pace. As more consumers adopt green cleaning products for their personal use, they will also look for cleaning services that also use eco-friendly cleaning methods and products. If you want to keep up with the changing market and continue to grow your cleaning business, you should seriously consider adopting green cleaning practices. 
